The Classmate Feared as a Delinquent Was Just a Chihuahua with a Mean Look.

Writer: Bean Sprout Root
Total reads: 1,678

Someone collapsed in front of my house on a rainy day!? I thought and it turned out to be a girl from my class who's rumored to be a delinquent and a mad dog.

S-She's indeed scary when she glares... but when you interact with her normally, she's cute? Mmm, could it be that she doesn't even realize she's glaring!?

She treats me as her first friend, but isn't her sense of distance kind of weird?

She seems to want to be taken care of a lot, like a puppy! She's a Chihuahua!

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Mad Dog

Chapter 2: Feeding Time

Chapter 3: Greetings

Chapter 4: Exchange

Chapter 5: Reason

Chapter 6: Cafeteria

Chapter 7: Game

Chapter 8: Identity Reveal

Chapter 9: Guidance

Chapter 10: Blushing

Chapter 11: Glasses🔒

Chapter 12: Photos🔒

Chapter 13: Names🔒

Chapter 14: Reactions🔒

Chapter 15: Voice Chat🔒

Chapter 16: Suspicion🔒

Chapter 17: Bath🔒

Chapter 18: Invitation🔒

Chapter 19: Triangles🔒

Chapter 20: Change🔒

Episode 21: Bloom (Chiwa’s POV)🔒

Episode 22: Point🔒

Episode 23: Absence🔒

Episode 24: Misunderstanding🔒

Episode 25: Bragging🔒

Chapter 26: Extermination🔒

Chapter 27: Sense of Distance🔒

Chapter 28: Sleeping Together🔒

Chapter 29: Laundry🔒

Chapter 30: Sleep Deprivation🔒

Chapter 31: Shopping🔒

Chapter 32: Key🔒

Chapter 33: Promise🔒

Chapter 34: Keeping to Oneself🔒

Chapter 35: Hands🔒

Chapter 36: Clothes🔒

Chapter 37: Summoned🔒

Chapter 38: Ryuugasaki🔒

Chapter 39: Size🔒

Chapter 40: Charge🔒

Chapter 41: Destination🔒

Chapter 42: Burst🔒

Chapter 43: Red🔒

Chapter 44: White🔒

Chapter 45: Home🔒

Chapter 46: Success🔒

Chapter 47: Camera🔒

Chapter 48: Era🔒

Chapter 49: Nutrients🔒